An Index of Websites by D. Denise Dianaty

The sites listed here were created and maintained by me, unless stated otherwise.

The Missouri Medical Review (MMR) online magazine

    I was the online graphic designer for magazine from the Summer 1996 issue through the Summer 1997 issue. I also made several changes and updates to previous versions of the magazine.

School of Medicine

    I created all the actual documents listed here for the School of Medicine online catalogue.

    I tried to present the Faculty Bylaws in a format that would break up the monotony of such documents with color and layout.

      Mission, Goals and Bylaws of the Faculty Plus Rules and Regulations of the Councils and Committees

Health Sciences Center

    I created this animation from one still of the van which I scaled and stretched in Photoshop to give the effect that the van is moving.

School of Health Related Professions, Virtual Health Care Team

    I designed a homepage with background and graphics for the VHCT, as well as the first page leading into the site. I included a list of colors used and a link to a page from which they could choose graphics styles and sizes as well as colors to use on a white or black background. After creating these three pages, however, VHCT hired their own Web person who went a different way, including the application of the graphics I had created.

Caring online magazine

Downloadable Forms

    I created forms designed to keep track of medical care, to be downloaded by visitors to the site.
      Adult health record form
      Personal records form


Missouri United Methodist Church

    As of 5/28/98, I will be redesigning and maintaining this website.



home button
email button


I am negotiating for more freelance website design and will be adding to this list periodically.